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Faculty cooperation

The cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology with other organizations is very rich, especially in the field of pedagogical activities and includes organizations of various types (state and private) and character (supervisory bodies, research and diagnostic workplaces, food and agricultural operations and other universities).

Cooperation with the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic and regional veterinary administrations is particularly close. Employees of these organizations participate in direct teaching in the form of lectures, conducting practical exercises or seminars and evaluating students' knowledge during exams, especially state final exams. To a certain extent, they are involved as supervisors - specialists in the implementation of bachelor's and master's theses.

The cooperation of the faculty with the Chamber of Veterinarinarians in the field of optimization of veterinary education is also important.

In recent years, FVHE has implemented various forms of cooperation with a number of production plants, especially in the implementation of laboratory tests of products and evaluation of the quality and health safety of raw materials and finished foods. Furthermore, the faculty cooperated in solving technological and hygienic problems in some food companies and monitoring the health status of production farms. Some companies directly participated in the teaching of students, both by enabling or guaranteeing teaching directly in the operation of the plant and by participating in state final examinations, as members of examination commissions.

Cooperation at the international level

European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education – EAEVE

European Association of State Veterinary Officers – EASVO

Union of European Veterinary Hygienists – UEVH

The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe – FVE

European University Continuing Education Network – EUCEN


International cooperation and participation in bilateral agreements of FVHE


Cooperation at the national level