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My study

STUDENT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE  (SIC building no. 24, first floor, FVHE Dean’s Office - undergraduate admissions)

  • scholarships
  • one-to-one counselling
  • student matriculation
  • issue of final graduation documents (diploma, diploma supplement) after you have successfully finished your degree programme
  • graduation ceremony
  • tuition fees
  • records of trips abroad
  • study and internships abroad


  • the Higher Education Act
  • the Study and Examination Regulations in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno
  • the Study and Examination Regulations in the Doctoral Degree Programmes of the university of Veterinary Sciences Brno
  • students' Disciplinary Code
  • forms and application forms (a student certificate, recognition of examinations and credit transfer, scholarship money, final theses, etc.)


  • the academic calendar has 12 months and is divided into a winter term (13 weeks) and a summer term (14 weeks)
  • each term consists of teaching periods, examination periods and vacations
  • at the end of each term a period of examination is scheduled


INDEX (STUDENT RECORD BOOK) – a small dark blue book that teachers put your credits and examination scores in (grade, date and signature), all data is recorded in the e-study agenda STAG at the same time

IMATRIKULACE (MATRICULATION) - the process by which you, as first-year undergraduate students, are formally admitted to the VFU Brno community of scholars

the ceremony takes place in the presence of university academic officials, as well as family members and friends
students are encouraged to dress smartly to attend this formal ceremony

ISIC CARD (International Student Identity Card) - the only globally recognized proof of student status for high schools, colleges and universities. The card is your passport to fantastic discounts and services at home and around the world.

  • valid for 16 months (from 1 September to 31 December the following year)
  • once you have ordered your ISIC card, it stays with you for the rest of your studies. The validity of the card is proven by the term sticker that needs to be renewed periodically
  • the term stickers are available at the Student Administration Office
  • the card is recognised within the University: access to the University Library (you need to activate your card here), access to rooms which are protected by a system of access authorisations (computer rooms)
  • the card is recognised outside the University: the card gives you travel, insurance and many other discounts
  • see www.isic.cz

CREDITS - An academic credit system and verbal assessment are standards used by the University to measure and assess students’ work and effort during their Bachelor, Master or PhD programme. For each course (course requirements and examination) you will take during your degree studies, you will earn a number of credits. Mainly, each course is worth a certain number of credit points, determined by different criteria including student’s workload, learning outcome and contact hours. Usually, the more work and effort a student is required to put into a course, the more credits that course is worth.

  • a full study year normally consists of 60 credits, so completing a Bachelor’s degree would require earning 180 credits and a Master’s degree would require 360 credits

MOODLE - a virtual learning environment developed to help educators create online courses (access with or without authorisation), providing course materials (ppt presentations, videos, hyperlinks, etc.) and tests to monitor and diagnose student performance with certain types of knowledge

MULTIMEDIA DEVICES (MMP) – learning devicessuch as interactive texts, images, web links, sounds and videos, tests, etc.

STAG (Study agenda)

  • provides a large-scale electronic support for managing school- and study-related data such as course timetables (students need to register and register for various courses), examination timetables, the list of final undergraduate papers, applications for social or accommodation scholarships (information on scholarship), your personal data


  • the term "zápočet" refers to specific requirements for completing a course that may include participation in classroom work, minor tests, etc.
  • some courses are completed only by earning zápočet, other courses are completed by earning zápočet and taking examinations
  • "zápočet" is entered into your student record book and STAG

FINAL UNDERGRADUATE PAPERS (Masters' and Undergraduate Theses and Dissertations)

  • types of academic paper submitted in support of candidature for different academic degrees, with different requirements
  • the Bachelor’s thesis and successful defence are the culmination of the Bachelor’s programme
  • the Master’s thesis and successful defence are the culmination of the continuing Master’s programme
  • the Master’s thesis and successful defence are the culmination of the Master’s programme (6 years)
  • see Final undergraduate papers – (information and the list)


  • completion of each course is conditional upon meeting all necessary requirements, taking an examination or both
  • there are two main types of examinations: oral examinations and writtenexaminations
  • after passing the examination, your mark/result is entered into your student record book and STAG


Marking criteria - verbal




English equivalent

Excellent A



Excellent knowledge and understanding  and almost no omissions and errors.


Excellent B



Excellent knowledge and understanding subject to rare omissions and errors

Very good

Very Good C



Good knowledge subject to a higher incidence of omissions and errors


Very Good D



Acceptable knowledge subject to a number of  omissions and errors


Dobře E



Some knowledge and some basic understanding, but subject to serious omissions and errors


Good E



Poor knowledge and understanding below the standards required for passing


  • Advice: Do not leave everything on the last minute! You are likely to have little time to revise or there may be no available dates to register for the examination.

How to properly address university teachers?

In the Czech Republic, contrary to many other foreign countries, use both a courtesy title and academic degree to address your teacher (prof., doc., MVDr., RNDr., Mgr., Ing. etc.), i.e. pane profesore, docente...
The term professor should not be used to address a teacher who does not actually hold that rank.